Our partners
Our work is only possible with the generous support of our partners. We sincerely thank our partners, who provide in-kind and financial support without precondition or editorial input. Please reach out if you’re interested in supporting our work by becoming a partner.
Statement of Common Interest
The Safer Air Project is dedicated to addressing the disproportionate impact that airborne viruses have on the health, accessibility, and inclusion of people living with chronic health conditions. Our mission is to advocate for indoor air quality to be recognised as a critical accessibility and inclusion issue, to ensure that everyone can access all indoor public spaces safely.
To achieve our vision, we partner with organisations that share our commitment to improving indoor air quality for everyone. Together, we can create safer, healthier, and more accessible environments, particularly for people with chronic health conditions and other risk factors.
Our partners, like us, are driven by a common goal: to improve indoor air quality for all, by reducing the transmission of airborne viruses and creating spaces where everyone can participate fully, regardless of their health status.
In recognition of the critical role that collaboration plays in achieving our mission, we acknowledge our shared objectives and responsibilities. Our partnerships do not include pre-conditions, editorial input or control over the content of our communications, ensuring that our voice and message remain independent and true to our mission.
We are deeply grateful for the commitment and support of our partners as we work toward a world where indoor air quality is prioritised as a key factor in health, accessibility, and inclusion. Together, we will build a safer future for everyone.